Praise the Yeast in Bread Gang


i 100% belong here


y e a s t

Also, was gonna do a sort of ARG where normal me was possesed or replaced by Bread me and the real me was going to come in and be all like "what the frick are you doing fake me get outta here"

And then I was gonna redo my pfp and stuff but things happened

How did a joke about bread gain over 100 members within a day and even get posted about by CROS and KniteBlarg?

Don't ask questions. Just worship the Yeast.

Send me questions, and I shall refer them to the Yeast of Yeasts and present you with their response.

Call it a "q and a" I suppose.

We offer thanks to the Yeast for the many new members and the attention that has come our way.

Oh Yeast of Yeasts, what do you offer us for your new grains that have returned to their purpose?

You offer words of encouragement I shall relay.

Upon request of the Yeast of Yeasts, I hereby bring you information on the long awaited arrival of-

The Ascension.

The Ascension will come April 26th, 2021.

The yeasty ones shall rise, and the rest shall fall.

You have 7 days to prepare.

Use them wisely.

On behalf of @KniteBlargh , I offer this bread to the Yeast of Yeasts, to raise us beyond our grainy forms into something greater.

Let us all rise, like the sun, to the praise of the Yeast.

The Yeast binds us,

Bringing us together,

Raising us above the sum of our grains.

Truly the Yeast is the core of the Brotherhood of Bread.

Praise the Yeast!