SS4 in Code Team


Still W.I.P


All right, I'm going to bed.

(first image)

- but sir, why?

(second image)

-He was to your left, you could stab him with your katana, or you could ask XEROC to cut him into pieces.

-The plot wouldn't allow me to do that, my friend....

(first image)

-What's so special about this crystal?

-There must be a reason why he's wearing it

(second image)

-Can I give you a hint?

Hello again!

I decided that the previous one was too lazy, so I made a better one!

"Don't know where
Don't know when
But I know we'll meet again some sunny day"

Anyway, to cut to the chase, I need to see your boss, I've got to talk to him.


So, my personal dimension.

it's a bit useless now since @MimicStudios canceled SSFh so.....

So, this post is my offer to join the @MimicStudios


To be a tough boss who mocks his victims and is burning with desire to destroy all universes OR...😐