Bloodied Rains in Supermariofan08's Cool Community

You have to be really goofy and funny or else

Decided to release an asset pack for the demo!

(Read article for details)

[Asset pack may contain spoilers]

The Demo is Out Now!

Report Any Bugs, or you can even say some suggestions or changes you'd like to see!

(Read Article For details!)


Factory Mode Reveal

(Not Found In Demo)

Game development will be a little slower for 3-4 days since I will be out of town, but it will still continue.

Beta testing will still start quite soon

Demo is at 97.5% Complete until beta testing! One bigger thing is left and then some small stuff


Showcase of 8am Screen

Added 3 New tracks, give it a listen!

Final stretch guys, demo is near complete, and so what's left?

Major desc overhaul with a new added QNA Section