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ALRIGHT fnal 3's page is here, give it a follow. Check out the cool thumbnail too


Yes fnal's anniversary was on the 5th, but here's a little sneak peek of what has been worked on! I'll keep the title a secret for now like seriously, shoutouts to this video, it’s over four hours dedicated to the fnal series. Give it a watch!

Five Nights at Lugig's series - All max modes and bonus nights
after 5 months in development, hopefully it will have been worth the wait. thanks, and have fun. (also i didnt record the bonus stuff in fnal 1 cuz snnorrrem...

Welcome to LUGIG5 GAMING

What am I supposed to put here, this is a gaming community or something?

I am not making a memes channel.

@SuperLugig5 owner
Report A community for almost 2 years