Showcase in Supermariofan08's Cool Community
You have to be really goofy and funny or else
Need a couple more beta Testers for this game hit me up on discord
Or just comment down below and I can redirect you
(Closed, thanks to all who beta tested)
Main menu and Cn night menu + some spoilers
Updated thumbnail for definitely the last time + new final character
guys i have a game that me and @Medineer_Gaming have been working on in secret (not fnaw related) for about 2-4 months now it's almost done an announcement video will get released later today if not tomorrow anyway see you then.
Haven't made a post here in quite a while lol
But anyways have a map reveal!
Yo! So basically, I decided to give Corrupted Data Mario a new, more fitting name. His new name is Marioware! (It's a reference to the term Malware, since his soul fused with a computer virus) (No, the image above is NOT a redesign)
Batch #2 Of making logos cuz why not
these were made for some friends
lmk what yall think
(Also comment some down below if you any ideas)