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Alright, after almost a week of working on my golf game, i managed to get a playable build with 4 normal single-hole courses and 2 mini golf ones.

You can try it out here:

It's my Birthday today!

Time to shit on Project Shadow some more...

with the new turbowarp update the old version of RWF firefight and postal weapons are unavailable, if i remember and can find the project files i'll put them back up eventually with the turbowarp packager


big forest, Tachyon Engine v0.23.22, im new to D7 so i have no clue if this is the right place

State of Elite

RTX on Moment.

I got shadow working.

Currently shadows are clones, they will be stamps

I made some Halo Infinite guns, it's the first time I ever used @skyistumbling 's blob shading. Use it without credit I really don't care.

Now i got my golf game looking alright.