So elite...
Elite is currently very good and capable of making really good games.
So Elite will come public with beta version of project brutality.
Project brutality is game that was inspired by doom quake and unreal tournament.
It will have buy menus, room system, quick match system.
Game modes are not specified right now because I need to make menu right now.
Celebration of elites release will be on 18th December in project brutality's room that will probably be called "Happy release!!!"
For anyone wondering if cloud system is safe, yes it is because Gamejolt keeps privacy to its user and doesn't share anything + it uses Griffpatch'es multi-player system but I modified it to have a lot of players.
Only thing I am worried is if scratch will let me upload it on private and then on gamejolt if that doesn't happen I will just make package of html,exe and other executable files.
Yeah game will be stable, so you can play it on your 1976 calculator.
Because it will be arena game you should be able to allow realistic gore and blood particles.
You should be over 10 to play this on medium(gore) settings.
Comment your questions about elite and project brutality.