News in Mr Malos's Community

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Thank you for 700 follows on my profile! as a gift you get to see a early wip of the menu.

I am aware there are afew problems with it, it is early wip & will be fixed later on when finalized.


My actual first attempt at a fnaf fangame (type of archive post with commentary)

Okay this is gonna be the last time I do this for now but this dev just made their first fnaf fangame & I suggest you give it a shot! I played it & while its simple I like it, cant wait to see what he makes in the future

I usually don't do this but there's this project i'm helping and i'm super hyped for it to be completed.

Weird thing is how little follows it has, I mean look at it!

would you believe me when I say it only has 75 follows?

Hey, have you ever wanted to shoot the characters from Showman's? no? well too bad your non-existent dream is coming true with Johnny's Mercury Adventure to Save Harry! coming out soon

So, Five nights at Thomas's has officially turned 10 years old. I honestly wish I had something prepared but I don't, why don't you go wish it a happy birthday too?