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Announcing Five Nights at Fredfred Major Update + The Unlisting of Fredfred 2 (read article)


Game is out, Thank you for your support & patience.


Testing has begun, a lot has been finished & only abit of adjusting is needed. I would say the game is about 90% done.

You will definitely get it this weekend unless something comes up in my life which I doubt.


Menu done, any thoughts?

Music composed by @EmilioTheDj .

I'm gonna be real cuz you guys deserve to know what happened to this project (read article)


Finished Olga's AI.

Now I just gotta balance the game, add more sounds & make the menu. (jumpscare warning)


Finished Yoda's ai, only one character left to go & then I'll work on the menu + other stuff.

I'm gonna be real, I dont like how he looks in cam 5, feels too good quality yk? what do you think? I'd like to hear some feedback on that.


Finished Felix's ai, only 2 characters left to go.


Finally added the most crucialĀ & importent thing into the game.

