discussion in Death Battle Ideas

It's time for a DEATH BATTLE!

I don't usually mind tonal clashes in MUs as long as they aren't SUPER jarring but sometimes the tonal clash is so bad it actively ruins a matchup

Surprised I haven't mentioned this before, however as the of owner of this server I feel like I need to address this

Sometimes I see a character so unbelievably obscure, to the point where the only information I can find of them are on VS debating wikis talking about how OP they are, and I wonder if these are actual characters or if I'm just being gaslit

The fuck, why did they delete William Afton's page on the VS Battle wiki (actually, they deleted a bunch of FNAF characters now that I think about it)

Honestly the only thing I don't like about Goku vs Superman 3 is that it isn't the finale, unless they're cooking up an even bigger matchup for the finale I really don't get it, especially when GvS is the most famous thing they've done period