Hub (General) in The Five Night's at Freddy's Scratch Community
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The game is offically delayed to 6th of December
I'm bored and I'm here and you probably are too
Just click the link and think about the offer:…
I don't even know how to make it work or if I'd work, I just wanna try SOMETHING
I'll try to get a third devlog out by the time I go to Japan, and I won't be able to work on the game while I'm there.
they are here but not done :(
I beat the game, Max is in the game yayyyy
dude why do so many people want to do collabs with one another, I mean yeah the idea is cool and all but in practice it's an actual nightmare I wouldn't wish upon my worst enemy
I might need to delay the game again, sorry to disappoint.
Oh wowie!! I thought the support before was wild! But this is astonishing!! 31 followers in 11 days is mind blowing!!!!!11!1!!!11
Encontré tiempo libre durante unas horas, así que parchearé varios bugs de la demo (Repórtenme los que encuentren)