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BZSA hot takes #25

Instructing the player in a game is extremely important to the experience..

I may have found a misguidance in my judgement here..

BZSA hot takes #24

You can't just expect everyone to follow your opinion, you have to actually consider the people around you

(I can't believe Bizzarro Sundae has to say this)

BZSA hot takes #23

I don't have the time to do all the bullshit that school wants me to do, I have some valuable couch time to use wisely! (I fucking sleep the whole day)

BZSA hot takes #22

Blue is overrated, Yellow is obviously the best color


hold on thats not supposed to happen

BZSA hot takes #21

9 + 10 = 21 was never funny, and it never will be

BZSA hot takes #20 (3:00AM Edition)

special because it's 3:00AM as of writing this instead of daytime,

and the hot take is,

..Name reveals just don't matter, if you're known online, chances are people call you your persona even if they know your real name

BZSA hot takes #18

The @Pelf0xx discord server is getting out of hand at this point

BZSA hot takes #17

Turtleboard deserves all the drama he gets, I even made a diss track about him