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BZSA hot takes #28
(as someone associated with the LGBTQIA+)
you can't just make an entire sexuality because you're obsessed with someone, that's just called being creepy
BZSA hot takes #27
Louisiana has some REALLY fucked up animals, and for some reason nobody seems to think of it when talking about dangerous places.

Some down bad motherfuckers,
(Looking at you Turtleboard)
have been commenting about CHILLIE'S thighs being sexualized (cool that you took the time to look)
So I went on a redemption arc and fixed em! hope this will prevent any more angry people.
BZSA hot takes #25
Instructing the player in a game is extremely important to the experience..
I may have found a misguidance in my judgement here..
BZSA hot takes #24
You can't just expect everyone to follow your opinion, you have to actually consider the people around you
(I can't believe Bizzarro Sundae has to say this)
BZSA hot takes #23
I don't have the time to do all the bullshit that school wants me to do, I have some valuable couch time to use wisely! (I fucking sleep the whole day)
BZSA hot takes #22
Blue is overrated, Yellow is obviously the best color

hold on thats not supposed to happen