fnac in Five Nights At Freddy's Fan Community

Share your creations!

I'm sorry-this drawings pretty mid (jaw + head shape)

I might do it again another time but here is Ghost Candy

(Follow the game which he came from here:https://gamejolt.com/games/fnacatl/888304)


This Early menu preview is looking

Also while I'm here, I'd like to say as soon as the game is out and as soon as I'm free I will stream it

Evolvement of Sugar the Cat drawings, which do you think is the best? Vote below if you want

(Credits to AurusTeam, AurusRoots and Emil Macko for the character of 'Sugar')

  13 votes Voting finished

THE PAGE FOR PEAK IS HERE:https://gamejolt.com/games/fnacatl/888304


Peak is coming.

(And yes, ik it looks like the rat is trying to eat blanks arm, bite of 64' I guess)

Also game is by @Aurus2015 follow Aurus2015 and @Aurus15 for more updates!