announcements_and_stupid in Five Nights at Kirby's

Pink does not mean peepee.

The Five Nights at Kirby's Character Design Contest

Just one more hour until the Gameplay Trailer premieres! Come watch it here! (And happy 5th anniversary!)

Another small update regarding the form! It seems that Google is embedding your account names into the images being sent. Make sure your Google account's name is not your actual name before submitting, please!

A bit of clarification regarding TFNAKCDC, while I'd prefer you submit through the Google Form due to it simply being easier for me, I will accept designs not submitted through there so long as I can get the character's name and design.

fun fact! i have over a gigabyte of beta builds of fnak. pretty crazy, right? also BIG ANNOUNCEMENT EITHER LATER TODAY OR TOMORROW STAY TUNED FOLKS