discuss-anything in Five Nights at Sonic's: Greenlit

Share your creations!
give me your fnas fan game characters, because i wanna try my drawing skils

Ay gang
Me and @SonicMisaelFNAS have FINALLY finished RC! The Starving Tyrant's 1st episode/chapter.
Watch it on his channel to see more stuff by him.

today is Dr. Gluttony's 1 year anniversary.
Episode 1 of the animated series will release soon, it's nearly done, just give us a few more days
(Btw this is fucking cringe)

Fun Fact! sometime in february, smiler gave me the go to make a funny fnas mix of vs. ourple guy!
And now, with Smiler having been rightfully burnt at the stake, I'm extending it from JUST ourple guy!
(screenshot for proof btw lmao)