All Posts in Five Night's at Tubbyland

Time for teletubbies!

i post the gamepage of the archive of tubbyland mixtapes and return to tubbyrush ik there only the build but there will be more soon also if you have stuff of it like sprite or unused songs etc contact me

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Office back finish + Test pose Po


cam test

(sorry for the laggy vidéo)

Finished front office!

( edit: What do you think? )


Warning: really glaucous

Sorry to say that but Tubbyland Mixtapes Revamp is cancelled bc private stuff (i not wanted but it's i think when lucina will come back you will understand also it's not related to anything about what lucina did in the past)

So time for a tubby bye bye



Employee six/Dean is quickly he is escape or hiding form tubbybot but noo-noo helped tubbybot for attack for him in end of fnatl 3