Share your OC in Gacha Club

Share your Gacha Creations!

Ok, @pedro_guilherme , It's for you, you OC on the gacha.

Yo y mi Novio @DavidLeonardoHernandezCruz en gacha!

So, I turned this silly boy into gacha but he has no name 😔 any name ideas?

My New oc style, good or bad?

Another oc :3

1) у Лекси норм глаза))

2) Дэйв в афиге от того, что у рыжухи НАСТОЛЬКО ОГРОМНЫЕ глаза 😳

1) Lexi has got fine eyes))

2) Dave shocked from this, that red-haired girl has got SO MUCH BIGGER eyes 😳

I just made a new Oc

What should I name her?

  10 votes Voting finished

Meet Leo (the Yellow one) And Tails! (The Grey One). (Teaser)


Edit I made for my friend💀

Lil edit of meh oc :3