News & Updates in Green Jerry's FNaF Fan Games

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The game will most likely not release before Halloween.

Today's the 1st anniversary of Five Nights at Bootleg Plush's: Halloween Edition!

I don't know if this game will be released before Halloween this year, because @Dperk 's still exclusively focusing on bug fixes for the FNaW Christmas Horror: Bloodied Rains demo.

New game reveal (and release).

This is an old project that I was making back in March that was left unreleased due to laziness after pretty much finishing it. Now I've released it.

Fixed an error in the header and thumbnail where the word "Viewer" was written as "Viwer".

Good thing I also saved them as PDNs so that I could easily fix the images without remaking them from scratch.

You can now view all jumpscares from all my currently released games (except simulators) in a single app!

Available for PC and Android!

Finished Toy Mario's AI, all 8 character AIs are now finished.

Added one more song: Night's End, the 6 AM screen theme.

Game page for this game is now up.

Thank you for 2000 followers!

Unlike when I reached 1000 followers, I won't be able to release a new game this time. Here are some screenshots of FNaBP: Evil Comes Home instead!