All Posts in The Mountain Made of Gumslime


Here another sugary spire ending art of happy and trust ending that is it

Ay @ThePolygonPainter Is It Ok If i Compose Some Songs For Gumslime Mountain.

Hey @ThePolygonPainter i had a idea of a charater name soundatte (soundalike's Girlfriend) (nosiette) i hope you like it btw i draw 3 comics


Sugary spire jerald animated i made that im bored


Coneman's healths animated made by me that i got bored -_-

Hey guys do you think that coneman (conehead)'s health head? Because i kinda look like that a leak

  5 votes Voting finished

Sugary spire Enemies Ninja scoop New look remake and art

I redraw spinehead of his New look for @ThePolygonPainter

Official (I didn’t type that)

Sugary spire x WAR Enemies charater ideas my version

  4 votes Voting finished