General in Halo
Yes sir, I need a weapon!
Has anyone heard of The Sounds Resource? If not, i just discovered it seems like it'll be a HUGE help with game sounds. I can literily just skip the whole sound design step if i'm making a fan game. Which i am. Idk. Check it out:
Im am going to make my custom armor with art (also im new) when I finish i will post in the comments for this!
when spooky popcorn 0_0
working on a massive update for reach rn, not in terms of gameplay but SO many quality of life changes and other stuff. rn ive got widescreen, mouse aim, fixed grunts, improved HUD, raycast bullets (@skyistumbling ) and improved map detail.
the direction system was completely reworked to get rid of the stinky clickteam one in favour of a 360 degree turn that doesn't distort sprites. the shooting also feels MUCH better
@skyistumbling MASSIVE thanks for providing SFX for the game.
ive got a new main menu cooking up rn its got the functionality almost done and we've got some awesome new sounds by @skyistumbling . ive also slowed down the movement and made it a tiny bit slippier to get the halo feel. spartan redraws are coming soon