General in Jurassic Park/World Community

"Welcome. To Jurassic Park." - John Hammond

Umm.... sorry guys, I just remember that I'm going to the fair.

Yeah, I know! I know I promised that the live stream would be today.

Okay, to make it up to you guys. The live stream is going to be on Sunday, 1:30 Pm, or 11:45 Am.


So ran into some texturing problems today but which photo looks better. Number 1 or 2?

  4 votes Voting finished

does someone still have jurassic park: the game

ok can we just talk about that there was barely any violence in dominion like bro ITS FUCKING DINOSAURS EVERYWHERE WHERE IS DEATH AND MURDER

somebody make a video called: dominion but only the good parts:

goodparts: every blue and beta scene.

blackmarket,malta carnage,pyroraptor scene,atrociraptor, chase,therizinosaurus,rexy vs giga, rexy and theri vs giga