All Posts in lazer's art hole

please do not awaken kragthronoth the destroyer (we miss you, johnny)

hello there, i'm lazer

this is my about me

the voices are telling me to talk to people more

they're concerned for my mental wellbeing

wait wait

i can explain my last post- please don't unfollow me

i swear to god, i have a totally normal explanation


alright guys, about this poll…

i swear, i'll do the thing in a bit. give me some time, human biology is hard to draw

@Captain_Galaxy moment???

in honor of christmas eve, he will now get drunk

feel free to draw yourself drinking a lot of untitled beverage that may or may not contain the substance that is called alcohol

I crave human interaction

tw: blood, scroll past mr krabs if you dare

he really wants to unsee that