News in Marilyn Incorporated

Please keep the posts related to Marilyn & Co!

The map of Marilyn's Diner has received a complete revamp!

(More details and update notes are in the article)

"Spooky Cosmos of a Pizza Galaxy," the Halloween version of "Cosmos of a Pizza Galaxy!"


(more details in the article)

As of September 5th, 12:34 PM, @Banned-Dreams has been let go from Marilyn Incorporated due to him not being able to do the OST anymore. It was an honor having you as a team member here! 💙

~ Marilyn Inc.

WOW. Sorry it's been so long since I've posted, I just didn't know what to post and most of the stuff that I've finished for the games recently can't be shown to the public yet. But I will show you guys the new cover arts for SHUTDOWN and MEMORIES!

"What are you up to?"

The M&C version of @CORPZED_LUV 's M&C fan character, Madeline, has just gotten a new make over!

New power-up: Annihilator Marilyn!

(More details in the article)


(More details in the article)

Drawing Room 2 has been updated!

(Update notes are in the article)