Fangames in My Little Pony

Friendship is Magic!

Finished the scrip for KT!Pinkielovania!
Working on refurbing it rn :))

A secret lies within the files of the Battle Gem Ponies Friday Night Funkin mod. I wonder what it could be?…

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OH BTW, we gots some COVER ART on the way for Pinkielovania!!! Expect that soon :))

Hey hey! Expect me to go silent for a bit :P

I know this is a BIT uncharacteristic from me, but fret not, I'm just learning Gamemaker! It's gonna be a relatively slow process so hang in there!

P.S. Phase 1 is scripted! Sketching out the attacks now ;)

Update: Almost got phase 1's script finished for Pinkielovania!

I'll post a teaster relatively soon :))

Results for Pinkies special attack is in!
Add a extra phase for it? Result: No (6-1)

Make it a hard mode exclusive? Result: No (6-5(counting my sisters vote and my own decision to break the tie)

Hardmode will have a EXTRA hard Special Attack instead :))

For the Pinkielovania fight, which cast of Pinkie Pie would you prefer?

  2 votes Voting finished

Howdy ya'll! I'm happy to say that a certain new friend of mine (BNC) did some Spritework for the game and we officially have Phase 1 sprites and a hardmode exclusive form in the making!! :))

Please show BetterCallNever some love!

Got the theme for pinkies special attack! Though I'm on the fence on if I should make it a hardmode exclusive or keep it in the orignal, what do ya'll think?

  9 votes Voting finished

Question: Should I make Pinkies special attack a separate phase altogether or count it as the same phase?

  7 votes Voting finished