-'General Memes'- in -'Memers Club'-

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Me When I Realized That I Want To Make Some 3D Models On My Roblox Games,Since Bored.

Also Me: Can't Because,I Suck At Making 3D Models,And It'll Look Shitty Since,I Don't Know How To Do That So I'm Stuck Doing Paper / 2D Style Morph Models.


Random Innyume Memes I've Made.


(Ok Finale Last Post This Time.)


'v' I'm Doing My Geese Mating Call Honk Wheezing Sounds. XD

🎶Oh You Touched My Tralalala.🎶

(Continue The Song Lyrics Time.)

Me When I Play SlendyTubbies A Lot,But On Roblox Only.

The SlendyTubbies Vs Redux Game.


When My Friends Are Very Weird On The Twitter App. 💀

More Discord Call,And Roblox Moments.


(Part 2.)

.v. Discord Call Screenshot Moments.

Eating Meatballs With Hot Smoky / Tiny Hot Dogs With Bbq on Them. .v.


I'm Drinking,And Even Partying At My Moms Friends House,And With Her Other Friends.

(Part 5.)

(⁠ ⁠╹⁠▽⁠╹⁠ ⁠)