random shit i post in Kyukon's Nest



get it to 100 likes rn or i kill you in your sleep


i officially know what i'm working on after duet dilemma.

Konsides Bob's Onslaught.

here's a censored version of the icon grid.

i tried to make it high effort so it'll have a lot of new shit

make me remixes but not onslaught it has new content moment


i am officially done with today

time to go back through a tiny portion of my enormous backlog of fnf mods


Mixpurgation V4 is complete!

I hope you like it!

Songs: Expurgation, Expurgation (CJ/Ruby), Expurgation (Mario/Luigi), Inapurgation, Epiphany

the Minus Family!

depicted here: Minus Serena, Minus Monika

Minus Monika and this art of her is made by the Monika Devs.

Minus Serena and her art is by me.

If this post gets 50 likes I'll make and add a Minus Pappai!

Edit: i'll post it later