Mods in Plants Vs Zombies

Plant your own creations!…
Finished! or not, might change it idk

Hey folks, A new PVZ GW2 Mod has been released! This time i decided to make the unicorn chomper availble for everyone thats on PC since it was no longer obtainable. Read the Article for more info!
pvz idk beta 0.1.3 is released!
it adds 3 plants to the game - tallnut, buzzton and magnolia, along with the remade of mini pear
it tweaks the levels and stats to make the game more fun
it add progression and save file to the game too!!

power up selection and seed selection are now completed!
things yet to be done:
-new zombie called beastly zombies
-level rebalancing
so yeah 0.1.3 will most likely be release next week so stay tuned for that!

Aromabacco has been remaked!
Переработан Душистый табак!

seed selection for pvz idk is completed!
(but not power-up selection, lol)

PlantsVSZombies Realistic Difficulty HARDCORE - New Logo
I found this weird PVZ mod that I randomly found in youtube
its called Lawn of Hell
so I am planning to review it very soon after I review some plenty of games that I am planning for

I played the PvZ Lawn of Hell mod and it was weird
So i played the PvZ Lawn of Hell mod and it was kinda weird.This is my first video! Hope you like it!I was going to do voice commentary but i got really sick...

Sea Shroom And Ice Shroom

buzzzton is added to the game! when destroyed it give zombies the 'confusion' effect, making them walk backwards, and also have a chance to spread the effect!
what do you think about this plant?

pvz idk new funny plant - buzzzton!
download the game: is a 75 sun legendary plant which give the zombie that destroys it 'confusion' effect whe...
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