Questions for Kane in POPGOES

Share your creations! Keep it related to POPGOES!

Dumb question, but what genre does the Popgoes Band primarily play?

A doubt because animatronics have a camera in only one eye, it is not more logical that they had it in both? Or is it that for some reason so that they have it in only 1?

@KaneCarter i got a question :

1): is there going to be "Trophies" or "achivement" for the game ?

@KaneCarter 2 questions:

1. What is Saffron's necklace made out of? Coralls, flower(and if so, what flowers?) or what?

2 Are Popgoes and Blake related(since they're both mustelids)?

Hey, Kane! A simple question! Which character from the gang is your favourite? I am probably late, but there is nothing shameful to ask, right?

#fnafquiz who is gonna be in the next fnaf quiz

I know that Popgoes Arcade is made to be stylized as an atari game, but what kind of graphics will Popgoes Arcade 2 will have if it’s rebooted?

Is it possible to beat 100% Popgoes Arcade on a ps4 controller right now?

Hey Kane, what’s your opinion on Tealerland?

How much Progress is The Premium Update of POPGOES Arcade?