Questions for Kane in POPGOES

@KaneCarter hi again kane in a reply i saw, i saw you said some of the canceled sequels would be mentioned in evergreen or new games and i was wondering, how will they be mentioned and which canceled sequels will be mentioned?
I'm a fan of the game Fnaf popgoes from Thailand, writing in English. There may be some interruptions, sorry. Let me ask you something. Popgoes and the machinist is a new sector or dlc. Is the game system the same, Mr. Kane Carter?
Since Evergreen will also have a PANIC meter, will the player be prepared for the jumpscare?
@KaneCarter Are you still maintaining that evergreen is the last to leave or has that changed?
If you had to pick one to be trapped in, which one would it be? Also, why so?
I saw one of your tweets long time ago that says "Evergreen is now THE POPGOES in my mind and I almost forgot about the original!" The question is - would you like to think about POPGOES as unfinished game and finish it like after 7 or 8 years of pain?
In the Halloween promotional image, was it intentional to put Saffron in a ghost costume as to not reveal her design?
Compared to the beginning of this year, how much progress has Evergreen undergone since then?