Questions for Kane in POPGOES

Share your creations! Keep it related to POPGOES!
most like no one's going to see this but hear me out if you do.
I can't beat corrupt chica in popgoes arcade how do I beat her
Kane Carter how torturous was the development on the myriad of cancelled Popgoes sequels? Did you also enjoy certain ideas you incorporated within these cancelled games or did you dislike them not working in your favor?
Hypothetical question: If you ever entrusted by Scott Cawthon to give the FNaF series a remake/reboot/reimagine would you and your team be able to tackle such an enormous task or would it quickly spiral out of control?

Hey, uhhh @KaneCarter is this simon? Or.... Something else?

Question: how did you make the scrap menu screen in the original popgoes 2016?
is POPGOES EVERGREEN made in clickteam? just making sure I can download it.
Do you have a plan for the Saffron reveal?
Would it be for a follower milestone or Charity stream?