Questions for Kane in POPGOES

Share your creations! Keep it related to POPGOES!

Is the FNaC Candy Plushie/Popgoes Plushie's selling yet? I havn't heard anything and I'm curious.

Since Popgoes is mainly silent all the time, I want to know this: what would he sound like if he did speak.

will popgoes evergreen feature a theme that is very similar to the main menu theme of popgoes 2016??

@KaneCarter In the Evergreen continuity, is Bonnie still 24 years old when she dies?

can the popgoes,candy and blake plushies sell in smyths in uk because we dont have a gamestop

hey kane im in uk and could the popgoes youtooz sell in uk online shops or websites?

Hey, Kane! What do you think about "The Machinist" after all these years? Especially when people prefer them more than Vanny or Burntrap.

Question about the challenge nights


1. Is it possible to release animated steam profile items, if not for Arcade then for Evergreen?

2. If you were to remake Popgoes Encore today, how would you go about it?

3. How is the Whatsapp port mentioned in the Mag Freddy interview going?

Got a question after seeing the Server Room getting properly revealed.