Questions for Kane in POPGOES

Share your creations! Keep it related to POPGOES!

is morse the mole nothing more than just a popgoes arcade boss? he doesnt have a trading card design or not one released publically and i havent heard much else of him in the actually game?

Bit of an odd one- but I was wondering, how does the whole second chance system work? More specifically, who/what does it apply to? I know the conditions, but does it apply outside of humans? Maybe even outside of the animal kingdom? Just curious.

We’re there any FNaF golden era fan theories that you wanted to integrate into the Popgoes timeline, and if so than which ones?

@KaneCarter some questions about the new animatronics

I see that nobody has asked about the new animatronics that you have been doing for evergreen, so I decided to ask you 4 simple questions

Aside from the Heartless animatronics, if you and your team do start developing Popgoes Ultraviolet, would there be any previously scrapped or unused ideas you would consider bringing back (including minor ones?)

will candy have a Easter egg in the game?(also will the character's have voice lines after when you die like ucn?

@KaneCarter A while back on Twitter, you mentioned Ignited Popgoes being featured in TJoC: IC if Nikson was up to it, and it seemed like he was.

Did anything come from that at all? Is that something that could happen?

@KaneCarter this one will be a doozy.

If the POPGOES cast had voices, what would you portray them to sound like?

I have a question involving Shadow Freddy in the Evergreen continuity, considering much of the Popgoes 2 and Memories story was removed and that Shadow Candy is implied to be real, is Shadow Freddy a real entity in the CPU?

@KaneCarter you should contact the creator of LEGO FNaF and make a LEGO Popgoes and you could add some skins as lego forms. just a idea