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Btw, I'm not kidding when I say that Morse can do 6 "Hook?"s in a row.


uh.. Has this ever happened to anyone before?

Nothing is worse than having Morse do 6 Hook?s in a row-

Popgoes Arcade is so much fun! As a challenge, I went back and played the entire game without using any items. Yes, I used Dig, but only against Freddy. Otherwise, I jumped, hooked, defended, and attacked. Never opened my items inventory.

What weapon do you guys prefer to use? The Hook or the Scythe?

  10 votes Voting finished

Can't wait to replay Popgoes Arcade from 0% to 200% again, and i mean it, I will restart all the way back from the beggining when the update drops.

i have been wanting an update for so long and i finally got it!

Just noticed when you get the Black Rabbit ending, the tree stump gets an axe. Also, while collecting the blackrabbit pieces, all of the stumps get axes too, even if they didnt have one before. Cool detail I just noticed that everyone probably knew

i am so close

Erm, guess I’m part of the cool kids club now!