Stanley's 2: Unbound in RilzLaFFY's Cool Community

RilzLaFFY is the best!!

i think i might owe yall something


This will be one of the only times I'll share gameplay, but I need feedback on what there is so far. I know it's not much, but I had already said that I've barely worked on this game much until recently.

INT. Parts and Service - Stanley's Diner

Why I've been silent about the game as of recently.. (article)


so you're telling me i have to actually work on this game for it to be finished? what the frick

hahaha no

Slight Upgrade

Just a reminder that art submissions to be featured in Stanley's 2 are still open! If you wanna submit any Stanley's related art, DM/Shout it to me.

Some Character Renders

New Temporary Thumbnail