Guide in Scratch

Birth out some nice projects…

Anyone know how to make a double jump code?im using it for my fighting game

Is there like some code that makes a sprite turn in a circle; not like the "repeat (100)" >"turn (1) degree"< thing but like a full circle around the middle without using the glide to a specific place a ton of times. readers on my profile it's for scratch

sould i make a totourial on how to make scratch totourials?

custom better offscreen hiding code

here's the project:

it scales to different sprite sizes automatically too :D

a not so helpful tutorial, in case you want a furry oc or smth

In Scratch (preferably with operator blocks only) how would i make a small value large and and a large value small? (Answered)

Scratch Guide Topic: Avoid the risk of ban on Scratch, + some mental support.

Scratch Guide for today: Idle

The repeat 4 represents the number of costumes in the idle. The rest of the blocks are pretty easy to know

You DON'T have to add "When I receive Idle" you can just add when flag clicked

spawns 20 of the sprite the sprites will bounce around the stage with depth