Teasers in Scratch FNAF Community

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New Game

(Back to hand-drawing my games again, wooo!)

5 days before the EP incident...

The remaster is almost close to finishing, we just need to add some things.
Here I leave an image, guess which one?

98% Done

evil has awakened...

.-..-. .-.. . - ... / --. --- / -... .- -.-. -.- / - --- / - .... . / .--. .- ... - / -... ..- - / .. - .----. ... / --. --- .. -. --. / - --- / -... . / -.. .. ..-. ..-. . .-. . -. - .-..-.

While the singer stayed on stage, his friends decided to eat. They ate so much, but not due to hunger. They were one, but it was multiple.

Horrors At Bert: PART 3-Teaser 4

Don't worry, the game is on the right track.

this is the most important room in the game

He doesn't feel resentment for what he did

El no siente resentimiento de lo que hizo