All Posts in Scratch fnaf fan games
Classic Miguel-He works like Bonnie,some times he can become faster. Close the left door for he dont go to your office
Liguim-He/She works like Classic Miguel and Chica. CLose the right door for he/she dont go to your office
leugiM-He works like Foxy
Reveal mechanics1:
Me/Miguel-He/I will act like Taylet,Cowy and Freddy. He/I will walk around and then go to the toilet to ummm... And then,when he finish it, he will run to the office. He/I will run into the Lefty or right office. You mey see in the door
I want remake this picture and i wanna put: A Pizzaria created by a big Youtuber, and NO! its not Mr breats. Its Super Miguel logan 123 And they are looking for a Nightguard to work on it. 10Pm to 8Am
Does any body wanna work with me on a FnaF fan game im doing?