The stupidest of the stupid in Stupid Polls

texas or california

finally ''a bit of variety'' in this polls
7 votes Voting finished
Daily Question 5:
Have You Ever Wondered?
9 votes Voting finished
What's yalls favorite table condiment/sauce/whatever these are called
Me personally I like all of them
12 votes Voting finished

What if I made a Sonic X and Evangelion crossover crackfic?
2 votes Voting finished

Serious Hour:
What do you think of the world we live in?
126 votes Voting finished
Daily Question 3:
Are you that type of person?
4 votes Voting finished
Serious Hour:
Are you smart?
78 votes Voting finished
ight screw this
Should I continue my level "EARTH QUAKE" even though I have lost so much progress on it?
48 votes Voting finished

i am defitenly ranning out of ideas
5 votes Voting finished