General in The Unedited Files

Share your creations!

Are you enjoying the tons and tons of Never Edited Footage that are arriving to The Unedited Files?

This is a test poll to see if all of this Never Edited Footage is of your enjoyment.

Remember, Unedited doesn't mean Unfun.

- Signed, The Unedited Files.

  1 vote Voting finished


Me @CopperMan @ZionTheReal and @RealCario recently played through all the Alphas of Hello Neighbor.

It was so much fun and I loved revisiting all that Neighbor mess.

Here's my favorite clips! Go check the full video in

Hello Neighbor All Alphas -- Never Edited Footage
We, at The Unedited Files, hope you enjoy this unedited video.Remember, Unedited doesn't always mean Unfun.*[ GAMES ]*Hello Neighbor Pre-Alpha -- https://sto...

If you wonder what I've been doing - I've been making a shit ton of Unedited Files! (@TheUneditedFiles )

It has allowed me to clean up space on my computer, and also find really funny moments in videos I won't edit, such as this!

Farewell @CopperMan


Our announcement system failed and we were not made aware of it until today.

We have reworked it and it should work once again.

We will resume activity.

- Signed, The Unedited Files.