New Footage in The Unedited Files

After a good while, the gang came back together to play some Jackbox
and Jackbox would they play...
From DoDoReMi, to Survive the Internet, to Civic Doodle to Monster Meeting Monster, guaranteed fun!
- Signed, The Unedited Files

Lost media was found by a doctor developing a guy
- Signed, The Unedited Files

Fighting enemies became tiresome, didn't it? The bloodshed just wasn't what it used to be...
Let's go back to familiar territory, you and I.
Lets... Explore the interiors once more.
- Signed, The Unedited Files

Sonic, keep calm, everything's gonna be alright...
in this Never Edited Footage.
Where we must become wealthy by all means necessary.
Even if it means...
blood will be shed.
- Signed, The Unedited Files.

Found a computer at a garage sale.
Your curiosity just wouldn't let you not try to see what was inside.
And what you discovered, was nothing short out of interesting.
- Signed, The Unedited Files

yet another dull copy pasted roblox horror game, that gives no horror and is lamer than funnier
sigh, what to say.
- Signed, The Unedited Files

After losing their previous wealth, the team decided to start anew.
And so, they speedran their way up the food chain and became the richest they've ever been, and then some more!
- Signed, The Unedited Files.

It happened so suddenly... It was just... I blinked and... It all happened... Right before my eyes... In Real Time...
- Signed, The Unedited Files

The longest Lethal Company session ever... Happy 10! Through poverty and rough, to riches and stability, you will see the best of the best... and CustomerON.
A must-watch with plenty funny moments!
- Signed, The Unedited Files