All Posts in Uma Semana Com Eduardo Oficial

Senhor @_Kareduc_ você poderia colocar no uma semana com Eduardo 3 o bear 5,o Francisco e o FUNTIME FREDDY STALIN COMUNISTA?
Se você não poder por muitos de lore do jogo tá tudo bem 🤠👍

Now those nights at sonic's has a community run there
Agora those nights at sonic's tem uma comunidade

As coisas saíram do controle
Aumentei a lista dos animatrinic MUITO e agora o nome da fan-game mudou de One week at Lolbit para Three weeks at Lolbit ( no lugar do feddy era para ter o FUNTIME FREDDY STALIN COMUNISTA)

o primeiro sigma agente nunca esquece
This challenge is: draw your version of the animatric bodies in the post below, whoever is more right, I'll share :3
The head drawing post for you to make your version of the body 👇👇…

Hey Hi, if you were older on my profile, you might have already seen "uma semana com Lolbit" and that I had canceled it. It's still canceled but I'm thinking about redoing the whole thing and those heads and the names of the animatronics

Yes, we did it, we reached 100 followers, this gave me work Yes, we did it, we reached 100 followers, this took a lot of work but it was worth it THANK YOU SO MUCH

Now those nights at sonic's has a community run there
Agora those nights at sonic's tem uma comunidade

Vocês querem que eu faça um gigantesco update para esse jogo, e para página?
Do you want me to make a huge update for this game, and for the page?