All Posts in Room Zero Hangout

What's on your mind?

Well, @CopesAnDoses , looks like I have some competition. May the best Five Nights at Treasure 2.0 remake win!

(BTW this is a joke if you couldn't tell)

FNAF Hot Take 2: Five Nights at Treasure Island 2 Original Revamp is underrated. Well, not that much, because the AI sucks, but I think the game is pretty good. It would be cool to see a remake.

Devlog 2

(Read Article)

I decided to change my name to FNATI_Explorer. I have also rebranded my whole account to be FNATI themed. No more Crash8674. It's time for a new era

New Acephalous and MickMick model!

Thanks to @XanderCat for these amazing models

Hey guys, I just wanted to say development of the game is going great! We are getting a lot done and I think you guys will like this game when it will come out. And if you are wondering, Devlog 2 will come out soon once more stuff is finished.

New Suicide Mouse model!

Thanks to @XanderCat for this amazing model

New Oswald model!

thanks to @XanderCat for this amazing model

Well guys, I finally found a coder! It is @RetepCodes , thank you Retep for helping!

(Also I won't be making another devlog for awhile)

New Disembodied model!

Thanks to @XanderCat for this amazing model