anime in YuGiOh

Your move
遊戯王カードゲーム25周年特別映像「Yu-Gi-Oh! CARD GAME THE CHRONICLES」
「KONAMI animation」が中心となって手掛けた初めての作品として、特別映像「Yu-Gi-Oh! CARD GAME THE CHRONICLES」を世界初公開! 「KONAMI animation」公式サイト: #遊戯王#yugioh ※...

"Feeling cute, might send half of the population to the shadow realm later <3"

Yugioh ppl will get this mostly :)

I wanna do this

I miss Yu-Gi-Oh! 5Ds



A background character called Risa Kageyama and she looks pretty and goes well with the song so I just made an edit lol

(Shes an evil witch Btw lol )

Characters from yugioh season 0