(WARNING: This game is only available in french, however the story is not the main focus of this game so you should still be able to enjoy the gameplay ^^)
(PS: You can skip the cutscenes using the button that appears in the top right corner of the screen)
---------- FRANCAIS ----------
Nous suivons Hiro, la représentation même de l’individu modèle.
Après sa mort accidentelle, il sera envoyé injustement en enfer et comprendra les plans malveillants de Dieu…
Accompagné de Rage et Frustration, ses deux nouveau compagnons de route, Hiro compte bien mettre un terme à cette dictature de l’après vie.
Démons, anges, rien ne l'arrêtera dans sa quête de révolution.
---------- ENGLISH ----------
We follow Hiro, the representation of a basic model individual who has done nothing but good deeds for the entirety of his mortal life in hopes he would get into heaven.
After his accidental death, he is unjustly sent to hell by god, and understand that it was all a lie made for his entertainment.
Followed by Rage and Frustration, his two new allies, Hiro wants to end this dictatorship of the afterlife.
Demons, angels, he will stop at nothing to get his revolution.
CONTROLS (for english people)
Left click to Shoot
Arrow keys to move around
Space to dash (Costs you 5% of your rage bar)
Shift to use a shield (Costs you 40% of your rage bar)
Right click to use a bomb (Costs you the entirety of your rage bar
Salmosquid - - Gameplay Artist (Enemy sprites, Bullets, Background, UI)/Concept Art/Animation (Gameplay)/Character design (Enemy)/Sound Design/Musician (Main menu)/Game Logo
Nicolas Vaslin - Programmation/Bullet Design/Level Design
Jules Casterman - Illustration (Main menu art, Visual novel portraits, Cutscenes)/ Gameplay Artist (Controls menu, Pause menu, Buttons)/Character design (Protagonist, Satan, God)/Sound Design
Some of the songs used in this game that were not made for it:
Hell's Paradise OST: (Main Theme) Criminal and Executioner | EPIC VERSION (