Comments (20)
tosin te invitamos a la kasa d felipe no falters prfa
juego muy god!!!
tozin te invito ake vengas a comer peceeeszzzzzzzzzzzzz holaaaa
tozin te imbito a la vlufiesta avra cariñozaz no faltess
Tosin te inbitto a mi kasa no faltes profa

You are a private investigator, who is hired to investigate a series of events that are happening in the restaurant "Asin fishes" and you will stay there all night.

Gamejolt Trophies
3 Unlockable Characters
Custom Night

Main Dev : @Tocin
2D Art : @Sumsume_23
Sound Desing : @Asin03214
3D models : @FelipeSTUDIO, @Henryxroy
Mild Fantasy Violence
Mild Realistic Violence
Animated Bloodshed
Comical Shenanigans