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Direction is controlled by the mouse pointer.

RMB (HOLD) - Move
LMB (HOLD) - Fire
ESC - Menu / Pause
Save your score and show it off!

Weapons will upgrade automatically when reaching higher scores, but they will be needed as reaching higher scores means more Asteroids!

Single Laser - 0-99
Double Laser - 100 - 499
Triple Laser - 500 +

Turrets auto target asteroids and will fire by themselves, they only do a small amount of damage but as they upgrade in speed they become incredibly powerful

Very Slow - 50 - 149
Slow - 150 - 249
Medium - 250 -649
Fast - 750 -999
Very Fast 1000 +

Rockets will fire when they are ready, they fire much slower than lasers but do huge damage and destroy everything around them when they explode

Slow - 0 - 99
Medium - 100 - 499
Fast - 500 +
Big - 1 Point

Big Asteroids tend to be slower than the others and are much easier targets
Destroying them will split them into medium Asteroids.
Medium - 2 Points

Medium Asteroids come from breaking big Asteroids, they will tend to move a little faster but slightly harder to hit, destroying one will break it into small Asteroids.
Small - 3 points

Small Asteroids come from breaking medium Asteroids, thes are usually faster and quite tough to target
Golden - 100 points

The Golden Asteroids are rarer than all other Asteroids, they are tough to break but when you do destroy one, it will yield a huge amount of points
Green Blob - 25 Points

Green Blobs, or atleast thats what I am currently calling them! will give you 25 points

Destroy your first Golden Asteroid as fast as you can, a nicely placed rocket will do this with ease. You will then have your first upgraded weapons.

Nothing has been posted to this project page yet. Check back later!