
Comments (2)

What do you think?

Hey ahh

Is there a possibility for me to help with this project

Game Soundtrack

2 songs

Music 1 preview

Hello! This is my first REAL game, where I have to make basically everything. If you have a feedback, feel free to post, or DM me over Discord!

(Not sure if this will be the ACTUAL game name.)


This is a game where I fusion the famous indie-game with rogue-like! I am trying my best to not violate copyright, which will involve me to make original characters, songs, maps, dialogues... We'll see if this will work.

The main character is a bunny-like monster... Bunny? Oh yea... BUT you can call it a dog-like monster, or a goat-like monster.

Mostly of the things here are based of the mysterious dungeons, if you understand me...

Wait did you expected a game summary or something?


Wait, does this game have a STORY!?

Uh, either way... If it have a story, a good or a bad one, you'll have to find by yourself.


No! I challenged myself to start and finish this game alone, well kind of. I'm not gonna consider this a indie-game, it's too bad to even call it a game.


Scarm - Battle movement and dialogue code;
teebarjunk - Text box effects;
Game being made in Godot.

#rpg #roguelike

Mild Cartoon Violence
Mild Fantasy Violence


Below here is the devlog.
Do NOT proceed if you do not want spoilers.
Have a great day.

new game thumbnail + a new name for the game
MAYBE this will be the actual game name now

also i like the thumbnail cuz it looks like a n64 game cover

tall grass!!!!

just like how it works in pokémon, monster might attack you if you go to the tall grass
edit: bro i forgot its pride month, happy pride month!!!

what you guys think about the new game name
might change to dream instead of dreamer

omg "Ar-Ranger" thats so perfect
ok i know its just a copy of ranger from tds, but i REALLY needed to make it

about the main character: screw this thing of "hide gender", now you'll have to choose your gender
BUT there will be a genderless option