Comments (2)

Thanks For Playing, Principal, I Still Miss You!
Baldi's Sad Remastered Final Build (64-Bits V1.2.2!)
Baldi's Sad Remastered Final Build (32-Bits V1.2.2!)

Welcome To Baldi's Sad Remastered, Enjoy!

Type "99" In The YCTP And Something Will Happen.
@Thekin178g_gamer3000 (Me) For making the remastered and the original.
@BasicallyGames For making Baldi's Basics!
@PorkyPowers For making the fixed open source!
@malachi63746 \ @MalachiPro For the YCTP music!
Schoolhouse Trouble 2 (fanmade) By
Friday Nathaniel Freeman, The original Schoolhouse trouble is by
Anthony Hampton.
Friday Nathaniel Freeman:
Anthony Hampton:
Title Screen music By @saintza4 (From "Run From Them") And For The PlayTime Music!
@YuraSuper2048 For making the sad awesome epic schoolhouse music on gamebanana.

You Can Play The Old Mod Here:
That's It, Enjoy!