
Comments (2)

What do you think?

Looks cool! I know it as petanque <3 I can't wait to try yours out, the real life version is one of the best games ever invented.

A 32bit build, please? :)

Bocha 2017

Bocce is a very well-known game in the south of Brazil
Where there are small championships and this is present in most bars!

It is a fun game where the one with the most points is the winner!

Download and Test ... I'll Be Thankful With Your Opinion!

The DEMO game "EarlyAcess" is not complete but it is playable!

Bocha é um Jogo Muito Conhecido no Sul do Brasil
Aonde Existem Campeonatos e esta Presente na Maioria dos Bares!

É um Jogo Divertido aonde Ganha quem Faz mais Pontos

Faça o Download e Teste ... Ficarei Grato com a Sua Opinião!

Jogo DEMO "EarlyAcess" não está Completo!

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